Katt Williams wants to beat up Quentin Tarantino

If you’ve seen or heard anything about Quentin Tarantino’s newest film “Django Unchained”, you probably know it Katt Williamsinvolves a significant amount of racism. As of late, Tarantino has come under fire from a few different figures in Hollywood including Spike Lee for his liberal use of the N-word.

While speaking on the topic last week, comedian Katt Williams stated “Quentin Tarantino thinks he can say the N-word. But I checked with all of [black people] and nobody knowns where he got his pass from”… “I hope he didn’t get it from Samuel L. Jackson and Jamie Foxx cause, they aren’t going to help you when I see you”. Williams also stated, “Quentin Tarantino is no Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg doesn’t wanna be black, Quentin Tarantino thinks he is. So when he meets a real n*ga, we’ll see if he is or not”.

The Audio Dope’s take: Kat Williams needs to shut the hell up. Not only has he been relatively irrelevant over the past half-decade, he’s throwing shots at one of the greatest American directors of all time. Additionally, Tarantino has about eight inches in height, and seventy pounds on Williams… I think we all know who would actually get tossed in that fight.



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